Signs You Aren’t Eating Enough Veggies

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By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

Perhaps the most common piece of nutrition advice is “eat your veggies,” and for good reason. Vegetables are powerhouses of many essential nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. They also contain compounds that act as antioxidants and exert disease-fighting effects in the body. 

In fact, diets that are rich in vegetables have been linked to lower risks of chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Eating your veggies can even help you live longer! 

But besides the long-term benefits of frequent vegetable intake, many nutrients found in vegetables help keep us healthy and energized on a daily basis. If you don’t eat enough veggies, you may notice some unpleasant side effects. Here are some signs that you may need to eat more vegetables. 

1. Constipation 

Vegetables are on the best sources of dietary fiber in the diet. According to the American Heart Association, adults should consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day. Among its many benefits, fiber helps keep you regular, and one of the most notable consequences of not consuming enough fiber is constipation. If you aren’t having regular bowel movements, eating more veggies, especially artichokes, sweet potatoes, and beets, can help. 

2. Hunger After Meals 

The high fiber and water content of vegetables can help prevent you from feeling hungry too soon after meals. Veggies are considered high-volume foods that add bulk and fill you up, which also makes them a great food for weight loss. Don’t forget to include a source of non-starchy veggies at every meal to keep yourself satisfied throughout the day!  

3. Dull Skin 

The skin is the body’s biggest organ and needs proper nutrients to stay healthy and glowing. Vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals that promote skin health. For example, carrots, green leafy vegetables, and tomatoes contain antioxidants that help protect against aging and skin cell damage. Eating more of these foods can turn your skin from dull to glowing. 

4. Fatigue 

We are all familiar with the “food coma” and sluggishness that results from an unhealthy, heavy meal of meats, refined carbs, and high fat ingredients. If your diet primarily consists of these foods, you may always feel fatigued. On the flip side, when your meals are loaded with veggies, you will feel more energized throughout the day. Vegetables are rich in nutrients that provide energy and help with energy production in the body, including complex carbohydrates and water. Furthermore, they take a long time to digest, which can help stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent fatigue. 

5. Muscle cramps 

Muscle cramps can be a sign of inadequate vegetable intake and overall poor variety in the diet. Specifically, not getting enough potassium, calcium, and magnesium may contribute to cramping. Vegetables that are rich in these nutrients include sweet potatoes, spinach, beets, and butternut squash. Try them roasted, raw, or sautéed.  

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: Do you struggle with eating vegetables? We can help! Each of our meal plans provides at least the minimum recommended amount of fiber intake per day, provided in large part by tons of healthy veggies! Our complete, balanced meals are loaded with vegetables and flavor. Kick that fatigue to the curb. Check out our menus and order today for fresh meal delivery next week. 



Stef Keegan