Reducing Joint Pain with Diet

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

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Having stiffness or pain in the joints is unpleasant and can inhibit simple movements and daily activities. Weight gain can also worsen joint pain. 

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce joint pain through diet. Many of the foods recommended to reduce inflammation can also help with weight loss, which will lead to long-term improvements in joint pain.  

Read on to learn about the best foods for relief from joint pain caused by arthritis or related conditions. 

1. Fatty fish 

Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and other cold-water fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients fight inflammation in the body and may be especially helpful for reducing joint pain. Aim for two servings of fish, of about three to six ounces each, a week to reap the inflammation-fighting benefits. Delicious recipe ideas for fish include cod tacos, salmon skewers, sardines on salads, and salmon patties. 

2. Cherries 

Studies suggest that compounds found in cherries, including the anthocyanin pigments that give them their color, can decrease inflammation in the body. Tart cherries, in particular, may be helpful in reducing joint pain associated with arthritis. You can mix dried tart cherries into yogurt or oatmeal, or enjoy them on salads. 

3. Garlic 

Garlic breath is a small price to pay to reap the many health benefits of this beloved seasoning. Compounds in garlic, such as diallyl disulfide, may help prevent the deterioration of cartilage that surrounds joints in the body, which in turn could prevent and reduce pain. Use garlic to season vegetables or fish (like anti-inflammatory salmon!), or roast a whole head and spread the cooked cloves on whole grain crackers. 

4. Ginger 

This zesty seasoning exhibits a strong anti-inflammatory effect in the body. It has been used for centuries to treat ailments, and modern-day studies back up ginger’s therapeutic properties. Specifically, research has found that ginger extract can improve knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. For easy ways to add this food to your diet, mix fresh ginger into veggie stir fries or salad dressings and sip on ginger tea. 

5. Cruciferous Vegetables 

Broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, oh my! Veggies that belong to the cruciferous family, which also includes Brussels sprouts and cabbage, may be helpful in reducing pain caused by pressure on the joints. These vegetables contain an antioxidant known as sulforaphane that can help decrease inflammatory markers that contribute to rheumatoid arthritis. You can enjoy them roasted, raw, or sautéed.  

6. Berries 

Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, contain a variety of nutrients that may help with joint pain. They are especially rich in plant compounds that act as antioxidants in the body and inhibit inflammatory processes. Eat them with a handful of nuts for a balanced snack, on top of yogurt or oatmeal, or blended into a smoothie.  

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: Our menus feature all of the foods listed here that can help with joint pain! Order one of our plans today, so that you can incorporate these nutritious foods into your diet without spending hours in the kitchen. 


Stef Keegan