Scott from Blaine, MN
Name: Scott
Hometown: Blaine, MN
Health: Lost 42 pounds, lowered Blood Pressure, lowered Cholesterol, lowered Triglycerides, lowered A1C.
“You have to control your weight. It’s the first step in taking control of your health.”
The greatest lesson I've learned from this program is that I am capable of making the changes in my life that have resulted in significant weight loss (47 pounds so far) and overall improvement of my quality of life.
Before this program, I knew I was too heavy, but I felt okay if my weight was steady around 250 pounds. At the beginning of June 2017 my weight was at 254 pounds, the highest that I had ever been. I didn't have a lot of energy. I was a reluctant walker, partially because of health issues where I would sometimes need to use a cane and probably because 254 pounds is a lot of weight to move around! I worried about possible future health issues because diabetes runs in my family. For clothes, pants in the 38"- 40" waist and shirts in the XXL range were the norm, Lynn would describe my personal style as "big and baggy.”
Now I feel great! Losing weight helps just about everything (just ask my doctors!). Aches and pains that I had before have been reduced, my health risks from Factor V Leiden (a genetic blood clotting disorder) have been reduced, and I rely less on using a cane. Shortly before we began this program I was going to have a sleep study done for suspected sleep apnea, however after losing the weight, my snoring has been completely eliminated! My risks from diabetes and heart disease have been significantly reduced by my weight loss. And now for clothes… my pants size is down to 32” - 34" waist, and my shirts are now L or XL!
I look thinner, and it's a big change from how I looked before. The difference is really apparent when we see side-by-side before and after photos. The change is really astounding! Being told "you look great" by your friends really builds your self-esteem.
I learned to eat conscientiously, to be aware of the food I was eating in terms of quality, nutrition, and portion size. I learned that I have to start the day with breakfast, something that I didn't do before. I learned to pay attention to the food I need, instead of the food I wanted. I needed to make a big lifestyle change to lose the weight, and I had to change habits that were made over the course of decades. And now that I lost the weight, I have to be committed to maintaining those changes so I don't fall back and regain the weight that I lost.
To others I’d say: If you have reservations about starting the program, my guess is what you may be feeling is fear of failing. I’d say try it for two weeks. It's so simple. Commit yourself to eating only the meals, work some exercise into your schedule if you can, and change the way you think about food. In my first 2 weeks I lost 10 pounds! Your commitment to making the change will become greater when you see noticeable results over a short period of time. If you are committed to following the meal plan and making the lifestyle changes needed and you will lose the weight!
– Scott