The Pros and Cons of Caffeine

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

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For many people, consuming a caffeinated drink is part of their daily routine. In fact, coffee is considered the most popular beverage in the world, with tea not far behind it.  

Not only do caffeinated drinks help boost energy and focus in the short term, but some of these beverages may provide lasting health benefits. On the other hand, consuming too much caffeine and getting it from the wrong sources can be harmful. 

Read on to learn about the pros and cons of consuming caffeine and which sources are best.  

Benefits of Caffeine 

If you are a habitual coffee or tea (black or green) drinker, then you are familiar with the effects of caffeine. In the appropriate amount, it can help improve alertness, energy, and brain function.  

While caffeine offers these advantages on its own, many of the beverages that contain it also have other compounds that provide benefits. Coffee and tea, for example, are both rich sources of several antioxidants that protect cells against underlying damage associated with chronic disease. Moderate intake of coffee has been linked to a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.  

Check out our posts on coffee and tea for more information about their health benefits! 

Possible Risks of Caffeine 

Despite the possible benefits of coffee and tea, consuming caffeine in excess can cause anxiety, insomnia, and mood swings. Some people, particularly those who do not drink it regularly or who metabolize it more slowly than others, may be especially sensitive to these side effects. 

Most experts suggest limiting caffeine consumption to approximately 400 mg per day. Depending on the strength of the coffee, this equates to two to four cups (1 cup = 8 ounces). The amount of caffeine in other beverages varies, so be sure to read the label to check how much a certain drink contains. 

Additionally, the health effects of caffeinated beverages largely depend on the type. Black coffee and plain tea, perhaps with a little milk or cream, are of course OK. However, caffeinated sodas, energy drinks, and sweetened coffee drinks like flavored lattes and Frappuccinos are problematic. Due to their high added sugar content and often excessive amounts of caffeine, these beverages should be limited. 

The Bottom Line 

So, can you still have your cup of Joe and enjoy it too? Of course you can! 

Caffeine boosts energy, and if you get it from coffee or tea, there may be additional health benefits. Still, remember that drinking too much caffeine can disrupt sleep and lead to anxiety. Instead of drinking sodas and sugary energy or coffee drinks to get your caffeine fix, opt for coffee or tea served plain or with a tablespoon or two of reduced fat milk.  

Note from Healthy For Life MealsSimilar to caffeine, we’re here to make your life easier! Our delicious, chef-prepared meals are made with fresh, healthy ingredients that give you the nutrients you need. Stop worrying about meal planning and prep, and order one of our plans today! 


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