Healthy For Life Meals | Fresh & Healthy Meal Plan Delivery

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You think you’re eating healthy, but…

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

Are foods labeled “healthy” actually good for you? What about “diet” foods and “fat-free” options? Those have to be the better choice, right? 

With so many misleading nutrition headlines and marketing campaigns, it’s difficult to distinguish truly nutritious foods from less healthy options. 

Diet sodas, fat-free condiments, low-fat snack foods, “lean” meals, and countless other “health” foods are nowhere near as beneficial as meals made with whole fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins.    

To see for yourself, take a look at the comparisons between a day of what you “think” is healthy and a day of eating Healthy For Life Meals. 

“Healthy” Eating vs. Healthy For Life Meals: See the Difference

While you may think that low-fat options, salads, and “lean” products are healthy, their nutritional breakdown tells a different story. 

As you can see, the day of Healthy For Life Meals is much lower in calories, saturated fat, carbohydrates, added sugar, and sodium. Our meals provide more than double the amount of fiber and over 60% less sodium.  

Plus, Healthy For Life Meals are designed to be nutritionally balanced. Every meal contains healthy fats and fiber to keep you satisfied and full until your next meal. You won’t feel the need to reach for snacks or desserts for a pick-me-up! 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: Our meals are based on fresh, whole foods and contain all of the nutrients you need! Instead of falling for the latest “diet” foods that are wrongly marketed as healthy, order now and get started with one of our delicious plans next week.