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How the Speed of Eating Affects Your Body

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

Eating too quickly is a common habit for many Americans. Busy schedules, feeling rushed, and waiting too long between meals all contribute to chowing down fast and furious. While it may feel impossible to break this routine, slowing down at mealtimes can have big benefits that make the effort totally worth it.  

If you’re curious about what happens when you eat slower but aren’t sure where to start, this article has everything you need. There are many techniques that can help you slow down at mealtime, including healthy diet meal delivery to reduce prep time and mindful eating exercises. 

Effects of Eating Too Fast 

Fast eating generally means eating a meal in less than 20 to 30 minutes. Wolfing down your food in this manner may lead to a number of issues, ranging from minor inconveniences of occasional indigestion to larger problems like increased risk of weight gain. 

Several studies have linked fast eating speed with poor diet, increased body fat, and higher risk of metabolic syndrome. One study in preschool children showed that these associations exist even from a young age, citing a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity and fasting blood sugar levels in those who ate more quickly than others. A review of research in children and adults also found that fast eating is linked to elevated blood pressure, higher triglyceride levels, lower “good” HDL cholesterol levels, and other risk factors for metabolic syndrome. 

Not only does eating too quickly lead to metabolic concerns, it also may have mental effects. If you always eat too fast, you may not be able to savor and enjoy your food. This can turn mealtime into an occasion that could be joyful to one that just serves the purpose of satisfying basic hunger. 

Healthy Diet Meal Delivery and Other Techniques to Slow Down 

If you notice that you are eating too quickly and feel uncomfortably full after meals, it’s time to consider ways to slow down. Doing so may lead to numerous benefits, including reducing the risk of weight- and metabolic-related issues associated with fast eating and having a better appreciation of your foods. 

Getting started with a meal delivery company can help you spend less time prepping food and more time eating! In addition, here are some other techniques to help you stop fast eating: 

  • Prioritize meal times: If carving out time to eat in your busy schedule is taking a backseat, brainstorm ways to extend meal times even if only by a few minutes. See if you can prep a few components of dinner in advance, so that you’re not rushed to sit down and hurry your meal. For breakfast, set your alarm a few minutes earlier or grab something that doesn’t require prep (like yogurt or cottage cheese with berries) so you can spend more time eating. 

  • Take time between bites: If you’re used to taking bites one after another, you’re not alone! But just because this is a common habit doesn’t mean you can’t work on slowing down your bites to increase overall meal time. Try chewing slowly and waiting until you fully swallow it before picking up your fork again. You can also sip on water in between bites to slow down the process. 

  • Try mindful eating: Mindful eating generally refers to eating foods without distractions so that you can appreciate the meal through all of your sense and slow down. In a world full of distractions vying for your attention, this is easier said than done. Small steps towards more mindful eating include turning off the TV while you eat and leaving your phone in a different room. 

 Note from Healthy For Life Meals: If meal planning and preparation are eating up your time and making it difficult for you to slow down, let us help you! Our meals are fully prepared so you don’t have to do the work. Get started with one of our plans today. Get $10 off your first order with code: TryHFLM.