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Healthy Habits for a Healthier You in Six Months

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

At the start of a new year, many people set resolutions or intentions for the year ahead. These resolutions often center around healthy eating and exercise. In fact, “new year, new you” messaging is so widespread in January that it’s become commonplace to at least think about your food choices and health during this time. 

However, actually following through with resolutions can turn out to be more difficult than setting them in the first place. This is especially true if your resolution is unrealistic and focuses on making too many changes or reaching a goal too quickly. 

To help you during this time of goal-setting, we put together a list of healthy habits to work towards this year to become a healthier you in six months. Unlike lofty goals that often make up New Year’s resolutions, these habits require gradual steps and consider that change doesn’t happen overnight. Whether you implement one or all of the following tips, you’re on your way to a healthy 2023. 

1 – Wake up early. 

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm. Getting up early is one way to prioritize your health goals this year. Struggling to find the time to exercise during the day? Fit in your workout before the rest of the house gets up. Want to sketch out a weight loss meal plan for the week? Grab your pen and paper when the alarm goes off. 

You may be surprised by how much you can accomplish with just an extra 30 to 60 minutes in the morning. If you’re not a morning person, take it slow at first. Try inching your alarm forward by 10 minutes every week until you get used to a new morning routine. 

2 – Hydrate. 

Drinking more water is a doable goal to get to a healthier you. The benefits of staying well-hydrated range from more energy to perhaps even modest boosts in metabolism. The best amount of daily fluid for each person varies, but it’s often recommended to drink about eight cups of water per day. 

To drink more fluid, start by carrying a reusable water bottle with you during the day. Sip on it while you’re in meetings, on the phone, or running errands, and refill often. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals, especially those with a high-water content like lettuces and watermelon, is another way to boost fluid intake. And don’t forget about soups! 

3 – Walk outside daily. 

Walking has so many benefits, both for your health and your mood! Making a daily walk part of your routine is an easy way to increase physical activity, reduce stress, and set aside time to think. Try to take your walk outside as often as you can, so you can breathe in some fresh air, possibly get some sunlight, and take in the sights. 

Your daily walk doesn’t have to be a long one either. Even a 10-minute walk will be beneficial. If you can, walk at the same time every day so that you’re more likely to stick to this new habit. 

4 – Exercise four to five days per week. 

Exercising on most days of the week is the current recommendation from health authorities. However, this advice can feel overwhelming to many people, especially if they aren’t exercising at all. The good news is that anyone can work their way up to engaging in physical activity four to five days per week. The key is to work your way up gradually. 

Start with a simple activity, such as a daily walk (see tip #3!), ten minutes of yoga before bed, or a single workout class per week. Slowly increase the length and number of your activities each week. Experiment with activities that you enjoy and that are convenient for your schedule. You will be more likely to stick with something you actually like versus an activity that you find miserable. Once you figure out what you like, stay consistent with your exercise routine. 

5 – Read, write, and meditate. 

Taking care of your physical health through diet and exercise is vital to becoming a healthier you, but don’t forget about mental health. Unmanaged stress contributes to poor health, too. To help reduce stress, take some time away from electronics to read, write, or meditate.  

Keeping a gratitude journal where you write daily (or weekly) entries about what makes you feel grateful is helpful for stepping away from everyday stress and appreciating the bigger picture. If you don’t enjoy writing, try reading one book a month. Choose a book that’s funny or uplifting instead of a heavy story. You can also try meditation by closing your eyes for a few minutes and focusing on your breath. If you want more of a guided meditation, try a phone app such as Headspace or Calm. 

6 – Aim for eight hours of sleep. 

It’s easier said than done, but getting at least eight hours of sleep per night can just about work wonders for your health. In order to prioritize sleep, you may need to skip the extra episode of TV before bed or turn in early from a night out. Other habits that can help you get a good night’s sleep include limiting alcohol, caffeine, and sugar later in the day and turning off electronics at least an hour before bed. It can be difficult to change your schedule if you are used to putting sleep on the back burner, but the benefits will be worth it! 

7 – Cut out negativity. 

Negative thoughts may seem harmless on the surface, but over time they can chip away at your health. Think about how you feel after “doom scrolling” on social media or reading too much negative news. Chances are you don’t feel too motivated to eat a healthy meal and fit in a workout to help out your future self. 

Since mental and physical health are so intertwined, thinking positive instead of spiraling into negativity is very helpful for achieving health goals. Without a healthy mindset, it can be challenging to motivate yourself to eat well, exercise, and stay on top of your stress. To cut out negativity from your life, limit the amount of news you consume and step away from conversations that feel too negative. Keeping a gratitude journal (see tip #5) can also help you stay positive. 

8 – Prepare meals at home. 

Cooking more at home can help you get healthier. Restaurant foods are often high in calories, salt, sugar, and/or unhealthy fats, whereas making meals from scratch gives you control over the ingredients. Plus, cooking can help you unwind and let go of some stress after a long day. 

If making homemade meals seems intimidating, remember that you don’t have to make a time-consuming recipe that requires a lot of effort. Keep it simple and incorporate lots of vegetables and lean proteins. If you need help, consider getting started with our best healthy meal service so that you can enjoy homemade meals without the cooking and cleaning! 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: If you’re working towards a healthier you in 2023, let us help you with healthy eating while you focus on these habits! Order today to enjoy fresh, nutritionally balanced meals that will keep you on track. Save $10 off your first order with discount code: 2023