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Eating Healthy at Cookouts: Dos and Don’ts

By Lizzie Streit, MS, RDN, LD 

Some of the best memories of summer are made at cookouts and picnics. Gathering with friends or family and sharing a meal al fresco is fun way to enjoy food together.

But sometimes, the menu may not support your health goals. Barbecue spreads often feature processed meats, potato chips, mayo-based salads, desserts, and sodas or alcoholic beverages. While these foods may be enjoyed on occasion, they’re not the healthiest options, especially if you’re trying to eat well or lose weight. 

Fortunately, there are many delicious ways to boost your summer picnic spread and incorporate more nutritious options. Here are our dos and don’ts for your next cookout. 

Cookout and Picnic Dos and Don’ts 

  • Bring your favorite healthy recipe to share! Fresh fruit salad, vinegar-based coleslaw, lighter potato salads made with olive oil, and veggie trays with hummus are all great options for summer picnics. If you bring one or two healthy dishes to share, you’ll be sure to have a nutritious choice. Depending on the party, you may even be able to bring your own meat or protein. Some healthy options to throw on the grill include salmon and veggie kabobs made with shrimp, chicken, or another lean protein. 

  • Be prepared for the timing of the meal. If possible, find out what time the meal will be served before heading to the party. Have a healthy snack ahead of time if you won’t be eating for a few hours. If you’re not starving when you show up, you’ll be less likely to overeat the chips and dip or other appetizers. 

  • Remember the anatomy of a balanced plate. Even if you don’t bring anything to the party, you’ll probably still be able to make a balanced plate with what’s available. Make half of your plate fruits and veggies, then add a grilled protein, and look for a healthier source of carbohydrates to complete the meal. Choose a whole wheat bun if it’s available, or skip the bun and load up with more fruit. No veggie sides on the spread? Ask for the works—tomatoes, onion, and lettuce—on your burger to sneak in a little extra fiber. 

  • Choose one favorite treat from the spread. Don’t feel like you need to completely avoid the sweets or less healthy options. Check out the spread before you fill your plate, and add a serving of your favorite indulgence instead of taking some of all of them. If you’re looking forward to a piece of your mom’s famous strawberry pie or your brother’s baked beans, don’t skip it. Just be mindful about building a balanced meal to eat alongside your treat. 

  • Drink seltzers over sodas or booze. Grab a case of flavored sparkling water to bring to the party, especially if you’re not sure of the drink options. That way, you’ll be able to sip on something bubbly that doesn’t pack tons of sugar or alcohol. If you want to have a beer or cocktail, remember to drink some extra water. 

Note from Healthy For Life Meals: With the help of our delicious menus, you can eat healthy at home and enjoy those summer cookouts and picnics! Get started with our freshly prepared, nutritionally balanced options today.